Cannot connect to new Flukso

Gooday from Oz

I have just received my new Flukso.
I have run a lead to the pc from the Flukso.
I've also tried a lead from 2 diff routers.
The pc cannot see the Flukso . I have tried 2 pc's, XP and win7.
Please advise


edit: sorry I also sent an email before I realised the I could connect to forum.

icarus75's picture

Hi Bazzle,

1/ Is your computer configured as DHCP client on its ethernet port?
2/ Power up the Fluksometer, connect the device via the ethernet port directly to your computer. Wait until the heartbeat LED starts to blink. Then try to connect to
3/ If this does not work, let us know the status (on, off, blinking) of the wifi, ethernet, heartbeat and power LEDs.

bazzle's picture

I had to use a crossed cable .
I cannot get past the trying to connect page. I do not get saving changes.
If I need an internet connection I dont know how as the ethernet port on my pc now has the Flukso plugged in it.

I have gone to an XP PC with Mozilla so I can see the Captcha



Hi Bazzle,

On 10/17/2011 12:26 PM, Bazzle xxxxx wrote:
> Hi
> I found a Null modem lead and used that.

I can't really tell what you mean by 'Null modem lead'. You just need to
connect with a straight or crossed ethernet cable.

> It brought up the start page.
> I have entered my Belkin wep and code .

Ok! So you can connect to the Fluksometer's local web pages.

> I hit save and the screen went white ....still white.....

After saving the wifi changes, you should get a message saying 'Applying
changes'. It can take a little while for the page to display the wifi
settings again.

If the page doensn't reload properly, could you point your browser back
to and verify if these settings
are the ones you just saved? If yes, you can just continue with the
configuration on the sensor page.

> Heartbeat is flashing
> wireless is flashing spasmodically
> network is steady
> world is off
> power is on steady
> I cant reply to forum, its says Im am Spam.
> Capcha doesnt show on my win7 IE screen

Best regards,

Bart Van Der Meerssche

icarus75's picture

1/ Can you ping the Fluksometer from your computer?
2/ Are you sure that DHCP is enabled on the computer's ethernet port?
3/ What IP address is allocated to the computer's ethernet port after connecting the ethernet cable to the Fluksometer (with a pulsing heartbeat LED on the Flukso)?

bazzle's picture

I can surf the net thru the Flukso from Oz.
It does not have the World (globe) lit up.
It is connected to my PC by LAN cable/ From there it sees the Internet I assume thru the wireless connection back to the Router that has the modem plugged into it.
This page has been "loading" for over 30mins now

Am I doing something wrong.
This is a bit difficult if you dont know all the term or jargon.
it all seems a bit hard. Ive spent hours on this:(
Ive tried 3 PC's, all have DCHP enabled.
Found out how to ping, returns x bytes of data.
Dont know where to go next?

Ok I just forced it off from that page... then bloody Globe light came on.. I waited for over another hour ..grr.
Putting in serial number.
Now I need to go outside and plug in the sensors.
Wonder If I have to drag the desktop outside on a long extension lead?
Guess Ill find out.

Yup, needed to drag pc out to the power board.
Remind me to fit an permanent Network cable there so I can talk to the bloody thing :)

OK... lets see if the site picks up the sensors?

Success.. Picks up power and solar, pity its pitch black here and Im making 112watts :)

Bedtime.. night' all


icarus75's picture

Your FLM is reporting its readings to the Flukso server. Did you find out the reason why you were not able to connect to the wifi page in the first place?

bazzle's picture

I think it was probably working all along.
The issue is as above when I clicked on 'save' it just sits there making you think it hasn't worked.
Thats why I forced it to the next setup step.


bazzle's picture

I thought I had a issue with the readings but I may of put one probe on a wrong wire.
Will check tonight.

edit: All seems to be OK :)

Cheers Bazzle

bazzle's picture

Ive purchased a Micro PC laptop with wifi.
Can I suggest you add that to the install instructions?

Makes it a lot easier to connect and reconnect to Flukso meter with a Network cable to talk to unit.
Easier than trying to juggle leads on pc to and from router and when you need to go outside to meter box to reconnect to Flukso.
