change the dash of the flukso

is the diferent layouts for the flukso??diferent dash!!??

gebhardm's picture

Use the right version for your FLM and it will work as it does for years now... RTFD ;-)

neomarcio's picture

version?! how i now?

gebhardm's picture

Well, what shall I write... I just quote the documentation: "To utilize this implementation, clone or download this repository. Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer, so either flm02 or flm03 or choose a "packed" variant per release/tag. I will keep the master branch on the stable version for the newest Fluksometer. In case of uncertainty refer to the commit history)." - the FLM02 version of the flmlocal implementation does not work on FLM03 and vice versa...

neomarcio's picture

sorry ,but i don´t understand!!!
i download the repository-------yes
Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer------(well i know that mine is FLM02)
and the rest....well ...i can´t understand!!!

i just login throug wincp with the,and i put the www folder on the flukso...and that is it!!!
the rest i coldn´t make it!!!
what i doing bad!'

neomarcio's picture

can you explain ,very detailed...sorry!

gebhardm's picture

I beg your pardon, but more detailed than detailed is impossible: First, learn about Un*x-like operating systems; there are splendid tutorials out there, G**gle is your friend. Second, follow the how to use as everything is explained already.

On the FLM there is a www/-folder that contains the default UI files; "putting the flmlocal www/ folder on the FLM" is "enhancing" this default one, so the existing UI is just extended. What more should I say? Is there a technophile pupil around? Get her or him to explain the basics to you...

neomarcio's picture

well...sorry i not a genious!!!i try ...but it gives this error....

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ git clone
Cloning into 'flmlocal'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 1193 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1190
Receiving objects: 100% (1193/1193), 3.78 MiB | 4.88 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (641/641), done.

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ git checkout flm02
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~

gebhardm's picture

Well, you have to change to the repository's directory before trying to check out...

git clone
cd flmlocal
git checkout flm02

neomarcio's picture

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ cd flmlocal

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~/flmlocal (master)
$ git checkout flm02
Switched to a new branch 'flm02'
Branch 'flm02' set up to track remote branch 'flm02' from 'origin'.

neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~/flmlocal (flm02)

neomarcio's picture

there are so many videos for others devices on you tube,but for flukso devices....nothing!!!