Compare with something 'global'


Today it's nice to compare with other guys your consumption. But it's a bit a hard to find a good graph to compare. What's great? What's average? What's realistic...

Maybe it's an idea to create some 'dummy' users with some graphs?
For example:
- global household usuage (=this is 'normal', average)
- lowest usuage (=this should be your target) ;)
- solar usuage (=average of solar)

Of course, this means that you should have a kind of indiciation when a meter is used for a household, and not fe solar panels/companies...

But i think that with the data you collect, it could be an easy (?) way to do this. And a strong indication for all the rest.

icarus75's picture

Good suggestion!

Now that the Flukometer v2 design phase is nearing completion, I plan to spend more time on the visualisation part. The Fraunhofer people behind MySmartGrid, a Flukso sister project in Germany, has been doing some great work on this. We have discussed ways of merging features from both of our branches at elektro:camp<<"2011.05">>.