Elster Water meter v200

Any idea if flukso sensors would work with this device?
It looks like there is pulse connection possible , but it's not clear where to connect it to

jgysenbergs's picture

Well, second by second readings are useful in that you easily can see how much electricity each appliance uses up by switching it on and off. Also, I think algorithms which figure out which appliances you have in your home would benefit from such readings (e.g. http://bidgely.com/technology).

sem's picture

I still having problem with your script sometimes. It takes few restart to make it discover MQTT services. Do you know what could be wrong ?
thanks a lot in advance

gebhardm's picture

No clue; I assume this is caused by your network (I run the script for persistence on a Raspberry Pi with it and the FLM connected to LAN - drop out here only on disconnect of the FLM since I am too lazy to plan the script by a daemon; for graph and panel I connect with a displaying device by LAN as well as by WLAN and partly just experience that the device data "comes late")