Hour counter

I was thinking to measure my Central Heating installation.
Since a normal installation is working with 2 pipes, you cant measure the fuel.

So i was thinking to measure the running hours. one solution is to build a circuit that sends pulses.

The easiest solution is a extra function in the flukso, "Counting the seconds when a input is activated"
So i only need to put a relay on the 230V or 24V circuit of my heating installation.

Can you put this function in the next update?

bazzle's picture

You can use the existing pulse input and change the multiplier on the sensor page to calibrate maybe?


fusionpower's picture

Further to Bazzle's suggestion. If you have access to 24volts that is only on when system is running then maybe something as simple as a turn signal relay from a truck could possibly be used with a suitable resistive load to provide the pulses to one of the Flukso's pulse inputs. Then count how many pulses the relay gives per hour and use that as the sensor calibration figure and you should end up with each unit on the sensor equal to one hour of heating system run time. Using the relay would save you having to build a circuit to supply pulses but if you are handy with electronics you could make a simple 555 timer circuit to generate the pulses. I would imagine a simple timer circuit would be more accurate than the relay.

the_roggy's picture

I installed a specific electricity clamp on the circuits that feed my CV circulation pumps to get an indication of the intensity of fuel consumption... but the CV has't worked since then (being summer)...

on3ptz's picture

You can't use the circulation pump tou messure, since the heating stops when the max temp of the installation is reached, your circulation pump is then still working.

the_roggy's picture

As I said, it is only an indication... not an exact science at all, but it should give an idea how cold it was during a certain day/week/month... and so an indication of fuel usage...

icarus75's picture

I'd go for a 1Hz oscillator. Then use an on/off opto-isolated detector to AM modulate the 1Hz pulse train. That will give you one pulse for each second of heater operation.

However, modern heaters are of the modulating type. So you'll have the best accuracy with an older on/off heater. If you can find out the heater's fuel flow rate, you'll be able to set a proper meter constant.

Any idea where to safely hook up the detection circuit?