Incorrect Watts

On a new install I seem to have a reading of 25w when no power is being generated.

The inverter has its own watt meter and it reads 1w. I also hooked up a watt meter to the power cord and it's reading 3.3w.

Is there some way of adjusting the readout or calibration for the sensor. or do I have to try another sensor or input?


vjkdigital's picture

Ok been doing some fault finding.

Rebooted unit as when it was first powered up the CT was connected backwards. Thought that may muck up any on boot calibration. No luck

Connected spare CT thats not on a mains feed to input 1, reading dropped to 1w. weird considering its not even on a mains feed.

The cable for my main CT runs the long way through the inverter as there was already a hole in the case down there. Is the CT cable screened properly? As it may be passing over a small mains transformer inside the case. This could cause a small voltage in the cable.

vjkdigital's picture


The inbuilt meter has power factor built in. at night its normally 1. during the day it seems to be .5.

If I had a power factor issue wouldn't the plug in meter read incorrectly too?

Pulse generation is only through utilities power meters. you cant just buy a pulse generator? Can you?!

vjkdigital's picture

Hmmm above link is not working and I can't remember how to talk to google.

vjkdigital's picture

Ok. The more research I do the more questions I get. I'll try to keep this simple.

1. is the above meter fine to use for a pulse sourse?

2. If so. The above page seems to show 1000imp but the data sheet shows 2000imp. if this is impulses per kwh, can I change the number of impulses in the sensor page of the FLM. If it appears to report double the no of watts I just double the imp setting on the FLM.

3. Does the FLM allow any imp setting? I've seen some with 500, some with 1000 and some with 2000. Can I type anything into a box or does the setting only allow certain imp settings?

4. Is this a guaranteed way of correcting my power factor reading? Whats to say that I go buy all this extra hardware just to find it reads the current the same way as the CT and im still showing 25w at night or will this device correct for bad power factor like the plug in unit seems to be doing. (3.3w at night seems much better)

Thanks for your help.

vjkdigital's picture

oh and

5. The user manual for the pulse generator supplies no power. You have to supply it with a voltage to get a pulse out. will the FLM supply a voltage, how do I connect it it?

gebhardm's picture

To search this forum use "whatever search engine" with "search term, e.g. reactive power" (this is, what above link does with G**gle)
1) The meter is fine - any pulse meter with an open collector output will do.
2/3) On Fluksometer pulse ports (sic - 4/5 on A-model, 2-5 on B-model) you can specify whatever equivalent of pulses you have: 2000imp/kWh >> 0.5, 1000imp/kWh >> 1, 500imp/kWh >> 2, ...
4) nothing is "guaranteed"; it's a matter of experience; so IF it is a reactive power issue THEN a pulse meter will help; but READ the corresponding forum threads...
5) The pulse ports of the FLM provide the necessary power; it's Open Collector, so this is the way to go...

vjkdigital's picture

Thanks for the info. did some research on reactive power.

I have the A model. But im a little confused at the wiring for pulse. I thought there were 3 analog inputs and one ttl. that would make the pinout 7 and 8? Marked (from memory) A and B? How does this connect to the pulse generator?

From memory (fuzzy) A is power and B is return from pulse gen.


vjkdigital's picture

This may sound stupid, But there is no Pulse count setting in the sensor setup for sensor 4. But there is a CONSTANT option in there that was set to 1.

Is this where I put my pulse settings. My meter is 2000 pulses so I put 0.5 in the box?
