new flukso yet has had 2 resets and heart beat

i have bought a flukso and just added it to my dashboard and it shows

Resets Last heartbeat
2 02 Jul 2015 23:09:41

is this normal for a new unit or has it been used?

also shows version 245 is this the latest version?

gebhardm's picture

Totally normal as the FLM is finalized at the Flukso-headquarters - this also explains the firmware version 245, which was the most current at time of "final assembly" (here July). Go to the "settings" (cogwheel in top menu) and trigger the upgrade to the most current firmware 247 - the corresponding buttons should be self-explaining by now ;-)

B-Man's picture

yeah i have read about the buttons issue :)

whats the benefits of upgrading the firmware at the moment?

i wont be installing the flusko for a few months so it wont be connected yet.

gebhardm's picture

Upgrading the firmware will solve some known issues - when upgrading now, you will have a functioning device at time of deployment ;-)

gebhardm's picture

(and for that you actually just need an internet connection, no need to having sensors running)

B-Man's picture

thanks will be doing that shortly