RRD graphs gone on dayview before 18:00 (logging in again "fixes" it)

Last weekend, I have been rewiring my network.
But yesterday I haven't been doing anything really, today I noticed that the RRD graphs on the "day" view are gone before 18:00 (yesterday) ?

When checking the "month" view, everything seems ok...

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When logging in again on the flukso website, RRD graphs are all back in place... strange, this must be browser related I guess (I use Chrome almost 85% of the time, when checking the flukso rrd graphs)

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ghostgum's picture

The problem is occurring again now at 1147hrs UTC.

icarus75's picture

New rrdtool code was deployed on the server last night, so this will most likely be the culprit. Could you please keep reporting any issues you're observing and especially the exact (UTC) time the problem is occurring. This will help in pinpointing and fixing the issue.


icarus75's picture

The problem was occuring on 15min intervals, so xh00, xh15, xh30 and xh45. It disappeared again when a fresh set of measurements was next reported to the server. The API returned results in the wrong resolution as well (minutes instead of 15min). Seems like it was issue within the rra selection algorithm. I've patched rrdtool to force it to the requested resolution parameter.

Should you still notice quirky behaviour, let me know!
