SO metering wiring connections

I've been using a FLM02B for nearly 8 years now and its still going strong.. I am having my meter upgraded soon and have the opportunity to wire into the SO output of the new meter (EDMI MK7c)
I am hoping someone can help me out here with the connections
These are my choices:

TERMINAL BLOCK 2 connections - Passive
TB2-1 PI1/PO1 SØ Output or 240V/110V/48V/12V/5V Input
TB2-2 PI2/PO2 SØ Output or 240V/110V/48V/12V/5V Input
TB2-3 Common for PI1/PO1 and PI2/PO2

TERMINAL BLOCK 2 connections - Active without relay
TB2-1 PI1/PO1 SØ Output or 240V/110V/48V/12V/5V Input
TB2-2 PI2/PO2 SØ Output or 240V/110V/48V/12V/5V Input
TB2-3 Common for PI1/PO1 and PI2/PO2

TB4-1 PI5/PO5 SØ Output or 12V/5V Input or Active Input
TB4-2 PI6/PO6 SØ Output or 12V/5V Input or Active Input
TB4-3 Common for PI5/PO5 and PI6/PO6
One or both inputs may be an active input. Note that active inputs on TB4 is the preferred construction for active inputs.

Thanks in advance!

EDMI-Atlas-Hardware-Reference-Manual-Revision-M (dragged).pdf82.4 KB
gebhardm's picture

The description is hard to assess when there are no pictures of the terminals... So, Google finds and here is for the Mk7C on page 6-6 a nice picture of the terminals under the terminal cover. I assume the S0 output of choice is on TB2 (page 6-8: TB2-1 or TB2-2 to FLM impulse port (+), TB2-3 to FLM impulse port (-)). As this seems a configurable connector, the meter MUST be configured to meet your expectations.
Ask the technician installing the meter! Everything is at own risk! You may harm yourself not knowing what you are doing!

gebhardm's picture

Add: There is also a software to configure these meters. And as this is an accounting device, well, the end customer capabilities MAY be restricted. Thus again, ask the installation person/technician; MAYBE the TB2-terminal is configured as expected, MAYBE not...

mrfreon's picture

Great- Thanks I thought it maybe TB2-1 & TB2-3, I will definitely check with the installing electrician when he does the swap over.