All Data Prior July 2013 missing

All Data Prior July 2013 missing.
Went to year graph and its incomplete.
Can it be retrieved?


bazzle's picture

Aah, that would probably be when I got my later FLM.
Any way to retrieve old data and merge it in?


jgysenbergs's picture

This is something I want to know more about because I have more than a year's data now and I'm wondering if these will be preserved when upgrading from an FLM-A to B? Either way, I will order an upgrade (kudos to Bart!).

bazzle's picture

Well it would seem there is not a way or Bart would of answered.
Be aware then if you get a new unit you will loose all your historical data.

icarus75's picture

Did you try adding the old (= pre-A-to-B-migration) FLM serial number to the devices list? The sensors that were active at that time should still be there.

gebhardm's picture

...but if you sell the device then the adding blocks any attempt to register it for the new owner, doesn't it? I remember there was at least a request to "reset data after owner change"...
Regards, Markus

bazzle's picture

I have sold and decommissioned the unit. Can I still get the data. If so guidance would be welcome.


icarus75's picture

If your FLM has been sold and is in use by another Fluksonian, then the data will have been wiped as well. If you've merely upgraded the FLM from an A to a B version, then the data should still be available and associated with the FLM's former serial number.

bazzle's picture

No purchased the new model with more Pulse outputs and sold the other one.
There's a reminder to other users. Get the data before you sell if you want to keep it on this site.
Luckily my data on PVOutput is still all there.
