disabeling the dhcp server?

Sometimes when my power goes out, the fluxo boots faster than my dhcp server (which is on a virtual linux machine). If my understanding is correct, the meter will go into dhcp server mode itself, handing out to everything else in competition with the real dhcpd.

The results aren't pretty.
Is there a way to turn of this functionality or better deal with this situation? Other than throwing the meter in a separate vlan I'm out of ideas.

Thanks in advance!

gebhardm's picture

Is that so? When in reporting mode, the Flm is a dhcp client. Never experienced any issies. Anyway. as the Flm is an openWRT based machine, you may take a look there. Documention is pretty wide ranged...

michi's picture

I've noticed this too. The Flukso boots faster than my Ubiquiti router after a power failure. If that happens, I have to manually reboot the Flukso to get it to connect again.

If there is a simple way to fix this without me having to wade through lots of documentation, I'd appreciate a hint!

gebhardm's picture

See openWRT dhcp docu - in the network config of the Flm only the lan interface knows a static IP address in the named range; wlan always goes via dhcp (see folder /etc/config). And also the dhcp config has no specialties - it really seems a matter of the reporting mode. A hint may be the auto generated config in /tmp/etc; see dnsmasq.conf

michi's picture

Thanks for that, I'll have a look!