Empty response on getting old data from api.flukso.net


I'm trying to pull all my historical data from the flukso server. I do it day by day (using the start en end parameter with a resolution of 15min). The last 7 days, it works fine, but from 22 november, the server returns an empty response, and not a json array as expected. Here is my request:

GET /sensor/?token=&version=1.0&start=1353538800&end=1353625200&resolution=15min&unit=watt HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json

From the web interface, I can tell there is data from August up until now. Why can't I get that data? Is this a limitation or am I doing something wrong?



icarus75's picture

The Flukso server only keeps data in 15min resolution for a week. Older data is sub-sampled to a day resolution.