flukso on home assistant

home assistant and fluko!?
how can we do it?

Samdezwam's picture

I also have a FLM02B with firmware 250.
I can connect with http://mqtt-explorer.com/ but am unable to connect my flukso to HomeAssistant. Has anyone succeeded in connecting a flukso FLM02B (if yes, how)?

Amedee's picture

Just upgraded my old FLM02A to firmware 250 and used HACS to install @bertouttier's add-on -- no issue at all, works nicely!

Fluc's picture

Very nice that it works now on Home Assistant, but where do i find the "how to" to install the @bertouttier's add-on on the FLM02B ?
I looked on the github link, but nothing.
Then on the link to hacs.xyz, but where do i find it ?

vk2him's picture

@fluc - you don't install it ON the FLM02B - you install it IN Home Assistant using HACS - it will auto setup for FLM02A or FLM02B or FLM3

phoebeke's picture


I would need your help as I am really struggling to integrate my flukso into Home Assistant.
It is the first time I use Home Assistant.
So far, I:
- installed Home Assistant 0S 9.3 (core 2022.12.3) on a Raspberry Pi 3
- installed MQTT integration (core-mosquitto)
- installed HACS
- installed Mosquitto broker add-on
- installed Flukso HACS add-on
- created the 3 files as described in the Flukso HACS doc:
(replacing by the ip of my flukso) (see below)
- activated the Flukso add-on by providing the hash of my flukso device

But then, nothing is happening.
I think something is wrong with the config, see below the logs of the Mosquitto broker.

Any help would be more thank welcome.


  1. /share/mosquitto/acl.conf:
  3. acl_file /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist
  5. /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist.conf:
  7. topic readwrite #
  9. /share/mosquitto/flukso01.conf:
  11. connection flukso01
  12. address <flukso ip>:1883
  13. remote_clientid flukso01bridge
  14. cleansession true
  15. restart_timeout 5
  16. topic # in 0
  17. <blockcode>
  19. <blockcode>
  20. s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
  21. cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/mosquitto.sh
  22. [15:05:44] INFO: SSL is not enabled
  23. cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/mosquitto.sh exited 0
  24. cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/nginx.sh
  25. cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/nginx.sh exited 0
  26. s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
  27. s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
  28. services-up: info: copying legacy longrun mosquitto (no readiness notification)
  29. services-up: info: copying legacy longrun nginx (no readiness notification)
  30. s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
  31. [15:05:46] INFO: Starting NGINX for authentication handling...
  32. [15:05:46] INFO: Starting mosquitto MQTT broker...
  33. 1670940346: Loading config file /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist.conf
  34. 1670940346: Error: Invalid bridge configuration.
  35. 1670940346: Error found at /share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist.conf:1.
  36. 1670940346: Error found at /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:37.
  37. [14:05:46] WARNING: Halt add-on
  38. s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
  39. [14:05:47] INFO: Service restart after closing
  40. s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
  41. s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
  42. s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
  43. s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
  44. s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
  45. s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
  46. s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped
  47. <blockcode>

vk2him's picture


Firstly, I found I didn't need the 3 files as described in the Flukso HACS doc - I used a different method instead.

I have only one additional configuration file which adds a Bridge functionality to the Home assistant Mosquitto broker and this allows this integration to see the Flukso properly.

connection bridge-01
address :1883
topic # out 0
topic # in 0

Note the file name is mosquitto.conf and NOT mosquitto.conf:
Also note this is the only file in /share/mosquitto , so remove all others.

You should then have no problems.

vk2him's picture

Sorry, the formatting is wrong in the above - it should be:

  1. /share/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
  2. connection bridge-01
  3. address <flukso ip>:1883
  4. topic # out 0
  5. topic # in 0

Note the file name is mosquitto.conf and NOT mosquitto.conf:
Also note this is the only file in /share/mosquitto , so remove all others.

bollewolle's picture

I believe I had this issue as well when I was testing out the new version on a new Home Assistant VM. There's something written wrong in the documentation, the file should be named "/share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist" and not "/share/mosquitto/accesscontrollist.conf". Basically the file extension .conf should be dropped from the filename. After that it worked for me.

denhuff's picture

after a lot of days of playing around, i figured out how to make a working bridge config with mosquitto.
almost gave up, and will share it for others.
btw, i used mqtt-explorer to log in to the mosquitto broker, and to log in to the flukso broker. just to see if they where working ( and to get the device hash)

as VK2HIM mention before, you only need 1 conf file.
make shure your broker is set to "customize" , i forgot it . also "debug" if you need to see errors
in Home assistant configuration\add-ons\mosquitto broker\configuration

i made a file called "flukso.conf" and put it in share\mosquitto directory
i used the "clientid" as shown when i localy log in to my flukso (dont know if it needs to be that id)

connection flukso01
remote_clientid flukso-ba33d6
remote_username root
remote_password root
topic # out 0
topic # in 0

then i restarted the broker ( you also can restart HA)
i used "mqtt-explorer" to see if data was comming in to my mosquitto broker, finaly it worked

be sure to install the flukso Hacs with the correct device hash
now i needed to put the sensors in my config.yaml so i can use them

# Flukso data
- state_topic: "/sensor/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf4ed1844/gauge"
name: "Flukso aanbouw"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "W"
value_template: '{{ value_json[1] }}'

- state_topic: "/sensor/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe9a3a519/gauge"
name: "Flukso airco kelder"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "W"
value_template: '{{ value_json[1] }}'

- state_topic: "/sensor/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx48d7a4c2/gauge"
name: "flukso voorhuis"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "W"
value_template: '{{ value_json[1] }}'

hope this will help others in there quest for a working bridge.conf

Fluc's picture

Very nice and thank you to share your code.