how consumption and solar from flukso to PVoutput

this is my installation from my working flukso:
port 1: my current consumption(flukso 50A clamp)
port 2: nothing
port 3: nothing
port 4: gas sensor(puls)
port 5: solar(puls from S0-output on kWhmeter)

Everything is working fine on but on PVoutput I get n't fixed, I see only my consumption and no solar....
I think I need to change the settings but I try almost everything but it dousn't work...

Can someone post me the settings for my situation please ?


DriekdeGadgetfreak's picture

I conclude: you did not set the right sensor and token for the solar port (opposite direction).
Look in Settings, Sensor in flukso for the right values.



on3ptz's picture

On the pvoutput site you can also choose generation vs consumption .... (Your Outputs, Customise)