Initial configuration: NTP and firewall


I have been configuring my Fluskometer to perform all network communications via the wired ethernet adapter. Nothing goes over the wireless ethernet adapter that I have disabled. As I am running my own DHCP and DNS server in my network, I have disabled dnsmasq in /etc/rc.d and put my DNS server's IP address in /etc/resolv.conf. In my setup the Fluksometer is behind a firewall that protects the device from access from the internet, so actually I could disable the firewall on the Fluksometer as well, but I have not done that (yet). What I was wondering is whether I have to open any ports on my firewall to make the Fluksometer sync with the Flukso web site. In the config of the Fluksometer firewall I can see that on the WAN side, the ports 5353 and 8080 are opened. What is the purpose of this? Also, I see that the Fluksometer is configured in the UTC time zone in /etc/config/system. This makes its clock of my Fluksometer not run correctly as I am not in that time zone. I cannot find the way to change it via the web interface. Can I just change it in /etc/config/system? Will it take into account the wintertime/summertime clock shift?

Kind regards

ffuentes's picture

I am in the same boat as you as far as the time. I changed it and did nothing.
So I think this is all server base.

The port 8080 is for the JSON/API which seems not to be working correctly sense FluksoViz for android does not seem to be working to get the local data.

SergeDV's picture

It might be that the timestamps that the Fluksometer transmits to the flukso web site are always in the UTC time zone, regardless of the time zone where the Fluksometer is actually located. It then gets corrected on the flukso web site (this is why you have to specify your time zone in your account on the flukso web site). If this supposition is correct, then the way to work around this would be to set the correct time zone on the Fluksometer, and make the website believe that you are located in the UTC time zone, so that no correction happens.

ffuentes's picture

I try that and got no spoon.

SergeDV's picture

Have a look at the following URL:

It shows how to set the correct time zone in /etc/config/system. I have changed it to the listed string for my time zone, and it now shows the correct time on the Fluksometer's web page. I don't know what the effect will be on the flukso web site as my device is not yet measuring any inputs.

ffuentes's picture

Ok I see what I did wrong... I over looked that the time is in sync but the page still say "UTC"... Did it change for you?
Thanks for the pointer.

SergeDV's picture

Yes, the page still says UTC, but the time is correct

ffuentes's picture


icarus75's picture

All internal Flukso timestamp processing is done in Unix time. So at an application level, the FLM doesn't care about time zones. Only when data points are being rendered on the chart does the time zone setting come into play. But this time zone is derived from your computer's TZ, not the FLM one.