Install pkgs

Is it possible to install various pkgs via opkg? Would they retain after a reboot?
I am trying to install nfs and nrpe.


icarus75's picture

You can indeed install packages from the OpenWRT repository. They are persisted as well. But please note that these will be lost if you upgrade the FLM firmware at a later date. Also note that the FLM flash size is 8MB, limiting the size and amount of packages you can install. Example:

  1. root@flukso-dc5f1a:~$ opkg update
  2. root@flukso-dc5f1a:~$ opkg install nrpe

OpenWRT also has an NFS wiki page.

ffuentes's picture

I am going to ignore nfs for now as I dont have an urgent need for it.
My idea is to have my services/lectricity monitored by icinga.

This way i dont have to create a crazy server and what not. Though having my flukso server is my end goal as I am a bit of a control freak but I dont have the cycles to spare to learn your architecture.

Right now nrpe is working and I have my plugins set.
Working on the custom plugin for the sensors using:

cat /dev/ttyS0 | sed -n 's/^pwr sensorid:\(0*\)\(.*\)/\2/p'

Thanks for such a great device.