My flukso not uploading data

logread reports "flukso kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: wifi0: transmit timed out"

The flukso sensor web interface claims to be using a particular IP address on the WiFi interface, but my wireless router doesn't have this in its DHCP table.
The flusko thinks it is associated with the wireless router, but clearly isn't.

What is the accepted method to kick the flukso sensor into restablishing the wireless interface, without losing the data that is still cached pending an upload?

Or should I reconfigure my sensor to use the more reliable Ethernet that is also connected?

ghostgum's picture

Flusko sensor rebooted itself (watchdog?), and is now uploading data, but last night's data was lost.

icarus75's picture

The daemon on the Fluksometer adds a cron entry when starting up:

  1. */15 * * * * [ -z "$(ps | grep '[a]')" ] && reboot

So if for any reason the deamon decides to call it quits, a reboot will be triggered within 15min max. This could have caused the reboot.