Problems with net direction/calculations FLukso primary on PVouput

Just installed my Flukso and experience problems with net calculations on PVoutput. All looks fine until solar production starts. The Flukso readings then show big spikes in power consumed on the PVoutput graph (while no one is at home) where you would expect power exported (flukso graph looks fine although no negative values are visible on the graph) , seems like FLukso is reporting the opposite way. I previously used the Websolarlog software on Raspberry and did not have this issue.
My setup is:
Solar panel monitoring through FP4ALL logger on Delta Solivia inverter directly sending PV-output to PVoutput
Dutch smartmeter, P1 connector hooked up on Flukso
In Pvoutput settings Flukso is set as primary device, direction Net, sensor and token taken from smart-main electricity in Flukso cogwheel menu. Net delay 20 mins.
Also in tariffs, export model and import model set to net and net interval is set to every interval.
Maybe this setup in combination with the FP4ALL logger and FLukso primary doesn’t work or isn’t even supposed to work this way.
Anyway any help is greatly appreciated.

Verkenner48's picture

I have the following setup in PVOutput:
Primary Device: Flukso
Direction: Consumption
Poll Interval: 5 minutes
Sensor/Token: PV Production (S0 counter connected to Flukso)\
Secondary Sensor: smart-main electricity with added to first sensor (Add)
Secondary Device: Flukso
Direction: Solar
Sensor/Token: PV Production

jabo59's picture

Thank you for your answer. Setting direction to consumption did the trick. If not both Solar and consumption is monitored by Flukso then apparently you have to set direction to consumption if Flukso is monitoring consumption only.

jgysenbergs's picture

Hello, a bit late but here are my settings for PVOutput with some comments about Output Estimates and Tariffs at the end.

PVOutput Settings [Home -> Registered Systems -> Edit]

Automatic Uploads

Primary Device: Flukso [duh ..]
Direction: Solar
Poll Interval: 5 minutes
Weather Station: IFLEMISH11
Weather API Key: [this is the API key from Wunderground]
Temperature Unit: Celsius
Sensor: [this is the solar SO key]
Token: [this is the solar SO token]
Sensor: [this is the consumption clamp key] opposite
Token: [this is the consumption clamp token]
Rule: [empty]

Secondary Device: Flukso
Direction: Extended
V7 sensor: [this is the water reed switch key]
V7 token: [this is the water reed switch token]
V8 sensor: [this is the gas optical sensor key]
V8 token: [this is the gas optical token key]

Advanced settings

Net delay: None
Consumption Privacy: Private
Trusted Users: [….. ]
Team Membership: [empty, have to find out more about this]

Net Calculations: Enabled

Extended Data

Parameter Label Unit Axis Summary CR/DR
v7: Area: water liter/day 1 none none
v8: Area: gas m3/year 2 none none
v9 till v12: empty
Extended Data Privacy: Private


Report Interval: Weekly
Report Name: Vette Wei's weekly report


Description: Davis Vue Weather Station near PV


‘Output Estimates’ (Edit Systems -> Additional Settings) contain values from PVWatts, slightly recalculated by an educated guess in order to have the efficiency of the solar panels (more or less) right. These values also have an impact on weather descriptions (Cloudy, Fine etc.).

‘Edit Tariffs’ has a FIT (Feed-in Tariff) value of 0,45 €/kWh which is the amount the Belgian government pays back through so-called ‘Green Certificates’ for solar panels installed before the end of 2009. Certificate value has decreased over the years. All other values are 0,22 € which is the amount per kWh paid to the electricity company (Ecopower, 2014).

Fluc's picture

jgysenbergs, Thanks to share your PVoutput settings.
I have a bit trouble so set the extended data values right. Now i can compare to mine ;-)

jgysenbergs's picture

PVOutput's extended values for water and gas are a bit confusing and not that meaningful for now. Also, it seems the monthly view does not update. Anyway, these graphs are not that important since we have Flukso's accurate readings.

Here sits a screenshot of my educated guess for PV yield:

Solar panels are 5-years old, facing around 20 degrees to the East at an appr. 55 degrees angle on black roof tiles.