Query sensors (iPhone app)


I'm working on an iOS (iPhone & iPad) app, and was wondering whether it was possible to query the devices given a username/password combination on the Flukso-site.

Or is there another way to query the local device for sensors?


KarlW's picture

Hi Tom,

I Can't help with your query but I would like to thank you in advance for the iOS app. Woohoo!



tnys's picture


I already connect with the Flukso website (as well as the local device), though the Flukso website does not seem to allow to query the available devices for a certain user. Configuring the app this way is cumbersome: people need to type in a pretty long string for all devices.


icarus75's picture

Hi Tom,

The new JS-based charts on the site use the /user/$uid/sensor REST-endpoint to find out about the sensors associated with the account. Currently, this endpoint only allows cookie-based authentication. This could be extended to support a master token based auth. Your app would then only have to know the uid (int) and master token (32 char hex). Both of these could be provided on the user's 'My account' page.

Would this help?


tnys's picture

Hi Bart

That would definitely help. It would be great if a user just had to type in 1 master token, and all sensor data is fetched automagically.

How do we proceed? Is it already available somewhere?


tnys's picture


Here's a screenshot of the main screen. Suggestions?



Sven Rombouts's picture

Great !!! Nice, maybe a totaliser of a year will also be nice. Sven

laroyj's picture

de applicatie van tom werkt enkel in hetzelfde lokale netwerk, werkt niet via 3G of bv vanaop een ander wifi netwerk, ook al stel je portforwarding in van bv port 6500 naar interne poort 80.....spijtig
Loopt ook snel vast als je op een ander netwerk zit...je moet dan deinstaleren en herinstaleren :(

Sven Rombouts's picture

Klopt het dat de history onderaan zit te flikkeren op mijn ios 5. ? Zowel op de ipad en iphone

Zijn de uitgelezen gegevens w/ min en hoe bij water gas en water ?

Of is het per dag? Gaan er nog meerdere functies komen, zoals bv een totaliser per dag per maand per jaar zou supper handig zijn voor controle energie factuur.


tnys's picture


Flikkeren zou niet mogen. Probleem zie ik hier niet op mijn iOS5 devices.

De live data staat bovenaan (met 'speedometer') en de historiek (dewelke van flukso.net komt) onderaan.

Als je suggesties hebt voor updates - laat maar komen!


laroyj's picture

weer vastgelopen, terug moeten desinstalleren en opnieuw downloaden, hoop dat dit me niet eleke keer de aankoop kost !!!!
Ook hier geen probleem met de live data maar de historiek staat wel degelijk te flikkeren.
Vroeger had ik enkel sensor voor elekriciteit en toen had ik het flikkerprobleem niet, nu er gas en water is bijgekomen wel dus.....

tnys's picture

Kan je me (via email) je gegevens doorsturen zodat ik het kan proberen te reproduceren? Ik heb hier enkel een elektriciteitsmeting.

Mijn email is tom (dot) nys (at) netwalk (dot) be.


Sven Rombouts's picture

Idd, bij mij staat de historiek ook de flikkeren !.

Tom, het zou echt heel knap zijn moest je zo`n totalizer ding kunnen maken ! (Electriciteit,water,gas).

Voor de rest knappe applicatie, hopelijk nog met veel updates :-)


simonb00's picture

Seriously, you got to be joking.

LB's picture

I agree, it is a bit steep. I have bought it and posted some feedback hoping for some development. Eg. you have to reinstall the app if you change IP address or username and recent values yet to be retrieved appear as zero which is a bit misleading.

chriz99's picture

since yesterday the flukso ios app is dead - no more sensor readings, just a simple "-" is displayed on the gauge-pic. I can log in into my flukso-account via the app and fetch the sensor data, but it's not displayed in the app.

is there any fix for that?

laroyj's picture

Here the same, i ccked today..., only "-"..it's a payed app, so we suggest it wel be working soon again....

tnys's picture


Can you please send me your credentials (privately) so I can verify what's wrong. It seems to work with my credentials on my side..

contact: tom (at) netwalkapps (dot) com.


laroyj's picture

Here it's working back again.... strange.....Flukso and Pvoutput having no problems to me....

chriz99's picture

same here, now it works again.

Thoxodo's picture

Is this iOS app still available? I can't find it on AU or US iTunes stores.

Thoxodo's picture

Hi Michi
Thanks - I have my Flukso being synced to PVoutput (even though no solar panels yet) so that works just fine.