Smart metering implementation in Europe

I've just come back from the European Commission's "High-level policy conference:- Smart metering implementation in Europe: A year on" (European Commission Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium, 2014-06-26 T 09:00 to 10:45).

Disappointed that Flukso does not seem to be on the EU's radar.

I've put links of a couple of the speakers below the line.

Could someone at Flukso tell #1 about Flukso?

Got to be quick - they (the FP7 METER-ON project) are finalising their recommendations now, for publication end July 2014.

Also, perhaps Flukso could contact #2?

Tell them that there are a whole lot of EU citizens who have installed Flukso already, a long time ahead of any EU directive or regulation. Perhaps they (The European Smart Metering Industry Group) could use some of this citizen Flukso experience/expertise??


    Got money from E Commission programme FP7 for "Steering the implementation of smart metering solutions throughout Europe".

    Spoke on "Smart meter implementation in Europe: Current status & recommendations for roll-out"

  2. ESMIG
    "The European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) is the European industry association that provides knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and energy-related consumer services within the Smart Grid area at a European level."

    Spoke on "Benefits of smart meters for citizens: Informing the consumers"

gebhardm's picture

I would state "the European Commission shall be aware of the many open source initiatives going on for quite some while within Europe to gain insight in what enthusiasts already see as use cases for smart metering/energy management beyond the "simple" billing purpose" - but be sure, they are aware and still neglect it...
Note that certain European countries have stopped general deployment of smart meters "due to no justifiable benefit over the costs inherent with the deployment".
Flukso, as well as OpenEnergyMonitor etc. provide a well-received platform for people already taking care of energy management; but this is obviously not the majority; you also must understand that Flukso as well as emonCMS are far behind requirements of "officially supported smart metering" be it calibration, certification, reliability, etc. as these are not in the primary focus of need for an open source project, nothing said about the costs implied by that.
So, if you provide reference to open source projects, this is very nice; but do not expect too much.
Just my 2 cents as I also do discussions with such people...
Regards, Markus

RHardwick's picture

re "I also do discussions with such people" ...

The people from the Commission who were on the stand yesterday were

  • Mañuel Sanchez Jimenez
    European Commission, DG Energy
  • Silvia Vitiello
    European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre

The trick is not to talk to either of them, but to their respective bosses

"If you can talk to the organ grinder, why talk to his monkey?", as my former boss used to say.

khan123's picture

Here in North America it appears smart metering goals of citizens and governments differ. Where first group wants to to save money , governments want to lower peak usage.