unable to select a time frame in dash year view

I need to compare kumulative data for a 12 month Periode. Unfortunately i am not able to select a specific time periode in dash year view (e.g. November 2011 to November 2012.) If i move the time selector tab (with my mouse), the selector moves allways arround and cannot be stopped anymore. Any idea?
Thanks Obi

michi's picture

You can open a PVOutput.org account and have it scrape the data from Flukso. PVOutput has very sophisticated data analysis tools. If you have your historical data somewhere, you can backload that too.


Obi's picture

Hi Michi,
thanks’ for the info. PVOutpute looks nice. Need to play a little bit to get familiar with all the tools. Unfortunately I have no historical data to upload. Is it possible to download historical data from flukso server?

michi's picture

I think the Flukso site keeps daily data for the last month, and weekly data thereafter. You could scrape that from the web API. It's coarse, but better than no data.
