wifi ssid not showing

Trying to setup the flukso flm02 at the parents place.
Got it hooked in to ethernet. Shows as connected all good.
Need to set wifi ssid so it can be put in its permanent location but clicking the drop down box for the wifi ssid is blank. I can't physically type anything in there. How do I set it?

B-Man's picture

Couldn't get it connected via the address either.

I have ssh'd in and found the wifi config file but not sure what encryption code I need to set
I think the wifi is wpa2.

vk2him's picture

Access to isn't possible if you're in Ethernet reporting mode - press the button for 5 seconds and it should change to Wifi reporting mode, then should be accessible. You have to be in Wifi reporting mode to be able to change the ssid

B-Man's picture

Do I have to setup wifi or ethernet first on setup through the ? Changing the wifi settings through ssh then made it available so selected it and saved. Not sure how to switch from ethernet to wifi...

B-Man's picture

Thanks. I forgot about that toggle button

B-Man's picture

Any reason I can't connect to it via ip when in wifi mode.
It shows its connected on the flukso server and on my router but trying to log into the ip address shows connection refused

vk2him's picture

So it sounds like you managed to enable wifi mode and it's now online via wifi? You should be able to navigate to either the wifi IP of the Flukso or go to http://flukso.local - at least That's how I connect. Are you 100% sure of WIFI IP address that DHCP allocated to the Flukso, can you ping it? Can you ssh to that wifi IP?

B-Man's picture

yes setup as wifi mode
and yes online and showing in the flukso website. heartbeat up to date.
navigating to the wifi address causes it to not connect. (sourced from router)

will try http://flukso.local
pinging didn't work and ssh connection was refused.