Query about where the flukso data is sent, and options.

I'm guessing, because I can't find the info directly, from other forum posts that the flukso connects via wifi to my lan, and then via the net to flukso, where the data is correlated and served by http.

I don't have a problem with that per se, but what happens if www.flukso.net goes offline, or titsup? Do I have the option to view the data locally on my LAN, or anywhere from my LAN via dynamic dns etc?

Does flukso have http on board capable of displaying the data?

Is there a method of exporting the data to a spreadsheet to do statistical analysis?

Sorry for all the newbie questions, I'd RTFM but I can't find an obvious link to it, or a wiki.



skynetbbs's picture

The flukso only "caches" the measurements untill it can contact the flukso website and flushes it...in case of an internet,network or wireless interruption

the source code is available (at jokamajo.org) and can be adapted to flush the data elsewhere... be it a local server somewhere.

It wasn't recommended to store locally because it would be gone at the next "reboot"... when saving to ram (/tmp)
perhaps one could "save" it to it's flash chip (/jffs) on regular intervals but I think it has a wear level of eg "1000"-rewrites?

you could also let it flush it to google powermeter using their api :-)

At the moment Flukso has only explained how to grab it again from their servers and use it to our advantage again

We have no clue about a roadmap which explains if there is any possibility to use "our own, theirs, 3rd party" db server...

OnIrIa's picture

A monitoring system that i use a lot in compagnies is Cacti.
This has a nice way of showing and collecting data...

Maybe an add-on could be a snmp read? This way, people don't need to change the meter itself?
An extra advantage could also that a local server can gather the data, and as kind of backup, the data is send to the flukso webserver. This way, you've got a kind of backup...
And with fe a cacti you can then also monitor the up-time of the meter. Because not everybody will check the up time each hour... :$

icarus75's picture

Hi OnIrIa,

We are currently redesigning the daemon and implementing a local JSON/REST-ish interface on the Fluksometer. This will allow you to fetch measurements of the most recent minute with a 1 second granularity and 1 second update interval. You can track progress on our new Github repository's development branch . More about the Github stuff in a later blog post.

We're testing the system with a jQuery-based graphing library called Flot. I'm now monitoring my electricity consumption in real-time. Pretty nifty!
