
TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Used formula to calculate power consumption 1 10 years 31 weeks ago
by tdullers
10 years 31 weeks ago
by Fluc
synchronisation with sensor board failed Internal error 1 10 years 37 weeks ago
by fusionpower
10 years 37 weeks ago
by fusionpower
Showing the difference between 1 circuit and the other circuits 1 10 years 39 weeks ago
by deconst
10 years 39 weeks ago
by icarus75
flukso set up problems 1 10 years 41 weeks ago
by shokk
10 years 41 weeks ago
by gebhardm
Mosquitto connection to 1883 1 10 years 46 weeks ago
by giacomo guidi
10 years 46 weeks ago
by icarus75
Error - The call for sensor L3 experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.‏ 1 10 years 47 weeks ago
by mh1485
10 years 47 weeks ago
by gebhardm
Do I need 2 Flukso Meters ? 1 10 years 48 weeks ago
by james.liakos
10 years 48 weeks ago
by gebhardm
Issue after Upgrade 1 11 years 1 day ago
by venno
11 years 1 day ago
by icarus75
For Sale, Flukso FLM02A for installation 1 11 years 1 day ago
by bazzle
11 years 7 hours ago
by bazzle
API Token 1 11 years 5 weeks ago
by bazzle
11 years 5 weeks ago
by bazzle
Display negative values on Flukso dash? 1 11 years 8 weeks ago
by maddenca
11 years 7 weeks ago
by icarus75
globe led 1 11 years 22 weeks ago
by waterweg
11 years 21 weeks ago
by icarus75
Flusko as Access Point 1 11 years 24 weeks ago
by ArminE
11 years 20 weeks ago
by icarus75
measure CV installation directly 1 11 years 30 weeks ago
by hugo
11 years 29 weeks ago
by icarus75
Multiple wires into one clamp? 1 11 years 36 weeks ago
by Johan Crols
11 years 36 weeks ago
by icarus75
Flukso time 20min behind 1 11 years 36 weeks ago
by fluppie007
11 years 36 weeks ago
by Halsey
Couple of questions before I buy 1 11 years 41 weeks ago
by toomanyairmiles
11 years 41 weeks ago
by icarus75
Problems with the first installation 1 11 years 41 weeks ago
by Martin_Kofler
11 years 41 weeks ago
by gebhardm
Monitor just circuits, not mains 1 11 years 43 weeks ago
by Pietro Spina
11 years 43 weeks ago
by gebhardm
No graphs showing 1 11 years 45 weeks ago
by daerts
11 years 45 weeks ago
by icarus75
RS485? 1 11 years 46 weeks ago
by frumper
11 years 46 weeks ago
by icarus75
2 meter, 3 phase each - One FLM enough? 1 12 years 3 weeks ago
by Guest
12 years 3 weeks ago
by icarus75
2 flukso's, each on a different wifi network, same account 1 12 years 6 weeks ago
by peterX99
12 years 6 weeks ago
by icarus75
new install. But question 1 12 years 12 weeks ago
by helmuteke
12 years 11 weeks ago
by icarus75
re-install firmware 1 12 years 13 weeks ago
by Joel Flores Rubio
12 years 12 weeks ago
by icarus75